
1) 負傷者なし

2) 現時点で判明している物的損害は、ビーカー1個、スキャナー1台とNBICの壁破損のみ(下図)。

3) メーカによる検査の結果、ETIGO-II, ETIGO-III, ETIGO-IVおよびRBSの大型加速器は異常なし。

4) TEM, SEM, XRD、ホットプレス、レーザーなど他の実験装置は正常動作中。

5) 研究室は通常の活動中。

Casualties and Damages by an earthquake on 7/16/2007

1) No casualties.

2) Fracture in a beaker, a computer scanner and a wall in NBIC were the only damages and are shown below.

3) Accelerators including ETIGO-II, ETIGO-III, ETIGO-IV and RBS were inspected by enginners from the manufacturers and no damages were found.

4) Other experimental apparatus including TEM, SEM, XRD, hot press and lasers are operating normally.

5) Research activities in EDI are carried out as usual.