Nagaoka University of Technology
Extreme Energy-Density Research Institute


 * EDI News

Nov. 19 Director Jiang was selected as one of the top 2% of scientists in the world by Stanford University and Elsevier.

Oct. 31 It was reported that Wajima lacquer accessories made by former Center Director Yatsui were chosen by Princess Kako, the second daughter of the Akishino family.

Oct. 6-7 Prof. Suematsu organized a session in Materials Science and Technology Technical Meeting and Exhibition 2024 in Pittsburgh, USA and delivered an invited talk.

Jul. 28- Aug. 1 Prof. Suematsu delivered an invited talk in Microscopy and Microanalysis 2024 (M&M2024) held in Cleveland, USA.


Feb. 20 Collaborative research on nuclear self-healing material studied by Prof. Suematsu, Nakayama, Dung at EDI, Dr. Thorogood at ANSTO (Visiting Professor), Prof. Son at Kushiro Kosen and Prof. Okawa at Tohoku Univ. has been introduced in ANSTO web site.

Jan. 28- Feb. 1 Prof. Suematsu and Prof. Nakayama organized 48th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites( ICACC2024) in Daytona Beach, USA. Both Delivered invited talks.



Oct. 2-5 Prof. Suematsu organized a session in Materials Science and Technology Technical Meeting and Exhibition 2023 in Columbus, USA and delivered an invited talk.

Oct.5 Mavin Lakshitha et al. received Best Research in Transport Planning in R4TLI Conference (Research for Transport and Logistics Industry) held in Sri Lanka (Colombo) on Aug. 26

Best_Research_in_Transport_Planning   Award_Medal

Jan. 22-27 Prof. Suematsu and Prof. Nakayama organized 47th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites in Daytona Beach, USA. Both delivered invited talks.


Dec. 26 Ngo Nguyen Chi Trung and Buddika Amila et al. received Presentation Awards in 1st. International Symposium towards Safe Storage and Transportation of Cryogenic Hydrogen held in Kobe on Dec. 15.

Ngo Nguyen Chi Trung   Buddika Amila

Dec. 3 Profs. Nakayama and Suematsu organized 3rd Indo Japan Bilateral Symposium on Futuristic Materials and Manufacturing Sustainable Development Goals held in Chennai, India. Prof. Suematsu gave an invited talk.

Oct. 12 A paper written by Ngo Minh Chu et al. which had been published in Journal of American Ceramic Society won the Best Paper Award. The award lecture was given in MS&T 2022 in Pittsburgh, USA and the plaque was given to the authors.

Ngo Minh Chu Ngo Minh Chu

Jun. 21 Prof. Suematsu was awarded to be an Academician, World Academy of Ceramics.

Jan. 23-28 Prof. Suematsu and Prof. Nakayama organized 46th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites as an online event.
The American Ceramic Society


Nov. 24 An illustration in a paper written by Mr. Ayahisa Okawa and Prof. Nguyen Thanh Son (National Inst. Tech. Kushiro College) et al. has been chosen for inside frontcover of Advances Materials Interface.
Vol. 8, No. 22, Nov. 23, 2021 issue
Advances Materials Interface

Nov. 9 A paper written by Nguyen Duy Hieu et al. has been chosen for Editor’s Pick, Journal of Applied Physics.
Nov. 8, Editor’s Pick

Sep. 16 An article on Prof. Niihara, Past President and Center Director, has been published on Nihon Keizai Shimbun.

Aug. 23 Mr. Nguyen Duy Hieu won Prizes from the President.

Nguyen Duy Hieu

Aug. 4-6 5th International Symposium on Hybrid Materials and Processing (HyMaP2021) has been held by Extreme Energy-Density Research Institute. Profs. Nakayama and Suematsu organized sessions including Self-Healing Ceramic Coatings for Extreme Environments, AUS-JPN project, NUT-Kosen Plasma Network and Root Technology. 50 presentations were given by participants from six countries.

5th International Symposium on Hybrid Materials and Processing (HyMaP2021)

Jul. 6 Prof. Suematsu became a Fellow, American Ceramic Society.


Apr. 25-30 Prof. Suematsu gave an invited talk in 8th International Congress on Ceramics, virtually held in Korea.


Feb. 19 Prof. Niihara, former President and Director, and Prof. Ogawa were listed in World's Top 2% Scientists complied by Stanford University of USA in 2020.

Plos Biology

Feb. 8-10 Prof. Suematsu and Prof. Nakayama organized 45th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites as an online event. Prof. Suematsu gave an invited talk.

American Ceramic Society


Dec. 5 Prof. Niihara, former President and Director, was awarded the Ceramic Grand Prize, the Ceramic Society of Japan.

Jul. 14 Collaborative research by Prof. Son at National Inst. Tech. Kushiro Campus and Prof. Nakayama became a top 10% downloaded paper in Inter. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol.

Jul. 14 Prof. Suematsu became a Fellow, The Ceramic Society of Japan.

Mar. 2-3 Prof. Suematsu and Prof. Nakayama contributed 2nd Indo Japan Bilateral Symposium on Futuristic Materials and Manufacturing for Next Generation Electric Vehicles and High Speed Railway held in Chennai. Prof. Suematsu gave an invited talk through internet.

Jan. 26-31 Prof. Suematsu and Prof. Nakayama organized 44th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites held in Daytona Beach as a Vice Chair and a Session Chair. They gave invited talks.


Feb. 25 Prof. K. H. Kim, Pusan National University visited EDI to discuss on international symposium and double degree.

Jan. 28 Prof. Son (currently at National Institute of Technology, Kushiro Campus) and his co-workers won a Poster Award in 42th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2018).

Jan. 27-Feb. 1 Prof. Suematsu and Prof. Nakayama worked as session organizers and chairs in 43th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2019). Prof. Suematsu, Prof. Nakayama, Mr. Okawa and Mr. Iwasawa presented invited talks.


Oct. 14-18 Prof. Suematsu delivers an invited talk and works as a program organizer and a session chair in Materials Science & Technology 2018 Conference & Exhibition (MS&T '18) held in Salt Lake City, USA.

Jul. 16-17 Prof. Suematsu delivers a keynote lecture in Indo-Japan Bilateral Symposium on Futuristic Materials and Manufacturing 2018 held in Chennai, India.

Jan. 21-26 Prof. Suematsu and Prof. Nakayama worked as session organizers and chairs in 42th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2018). Prof. Nakayama, Prof. Son, Mr. Mizuno and Mr. Moro presented invited talks.


Nov. 10 Prof. Niihara, ex-Director and ex-President, won The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon.


Nov. 5-8 Prof. Niihara and Prof. Nakayama worked as a General Chair and a Program Chair for 4th International Symposium on Hybrid Materials and Processing (HyMaP 2017) and Prof. Suematsu and Nakayama gave keynote and invited talks.

Oct. 31-Nov. 1 Prof. Niihara and Suematsu worked in International Advisory Committee for 6th Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications toward a Low Carbon Society(ACTSEA 12) and Prof. Suematsu gave an invited talk.

Oct. 1 Mr. She Lu, a research student, won a Nagaoka University of Technology President Award in the 28th Mutsumikai Japanese Speech Contest by Foreigners.

May. 21-26 Prof. Suematsu and Prof. Nakayama worked as Session Organizers for12th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM 12) and gave invited talks.

Apr. 1 Mr. Takumi Naito, a graduate student, won  a Best Presentation Award in U3 Material Design Forum.

Feb. 17-19 Prof. Niihara and Prof. Nakayama worked as General Chair and Session Chair to organize 18th International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design (ISEPD2017).

Feb. 8 Prof. K. H. Kim, Pusan National University and President, GLOBAL FRONTIER R&D Center for Hybrid Interface Materials visited EDI to discuss on international symposium and double degeree.

Jan. 23-27 Prof. Suematsu and Prof. Nakayama worked as session organizers and chairs and presented invited talks in 41th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2017) .

Jan. 23-27 Prof. Suematsu and Prof. Nakayama worked as session organizers and chairs and presented invited talks in 41th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2017) .


Dec. 16-17 Prof. Suematsu presented a keynote lecture in International Conference on Design and Manufacturing held in Kancheepuram, India.

Dec. 10 Prof. Suematsu won  a Best Presentation Award in Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge.

Dec. 8-10 Prof. Suematsu presented an invited talk in Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge held in Chennai, India.

Oct. 25 Prof. Nakayama won Richard M. Fulrath Award, the American Ceramic Society.

Fabrication of ceramics nanostructures utilizing pulsed power technologies is the award winning research. 

Oct. 23-27 Prof. Suematsu and Prof. Nakaya work as a program organizer and a session chair to organize Materials Science & Technology 2016 Conference & Exhibition (MS&T '16) held in Salt Lake City, USA.

Sept. 21-23  Mr. S. Ikeyama, a graduate student, won a Poster Award in 159th Annual Meeting, The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, Osaka.

Aug. 18 High school teachers from Korea visited EDI.


Aug. 6 EDI staffs and students participated lab. tours and demonstrations.

Demonstrations on a rail gun (LHS) and a superconductor 

Jul. 11 33 students in twinning programs at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Zhengzhou University,  Mongolian University of Science and Technology and others visited EDI.

Twinning program students 

Jun. 24 Lecture by Dr. G. Thorogood, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Australia on neutron diffraction was held.

Dr. Thorogood 

Sept. 16-18  Mr. H. Hasuike, a graduate student, won the Best Poster Award in International Symposium on the Science of Engineering Ceramics (EnCera 2016), Niigata.

Jan. 24-29 Prof. Niihara, Prof. Nakayama and Prof. Suematsu work as members in Executive Committee, Organizing Committee and Local Committee in International Symposium on the Science of Engineering Ceramics (EnCera 2016) held in Niigata.  Prof. Suematsu presented a plenary talk.

Apr. 20 Prof. Nakayama won Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Prof. Nakayama(LHS)

Apr. 15 Prof. Niihara, fomer President and former Director, was granted the doctor honoris causa by University of Guanajuato, Mexico.

Apr. 7 Prof. Suematsu won an award from Kanto Koetsu Chapter,  the Atomic Energy Society of Japan.

Mar. 25  Mr. K. Suzuki and M. S. Nagasawa won Prizes from the President.

Ms. Suzuki at the graduation ceremony  M.r. Nagasawa (LHS) and Mr. Suzuki (RHS)

Mar. 9  Mr. S. Nagasawa won Prizes from Department of Electric, Electronic and Information Engineering.

長澤(右)  Mr. Nagasawa (RHS)

Mar. 10 Dr. Wan Ahmad Kamil Mahmood, Assitant Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and other fuculties visited EDI.

Prof. Wan 

Jan. 26 Prof. Nakayama won 2016 Global Star Award, the American Ceramic Society.

Jan. 24-29 Prof. Niihara presented an invited talk in 40th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2016)

Jan. 6 Lecture by Dr. J. Linden, Abo Akademi, Finland on Mossbauer spectroscopy was held.

Dr. Linden 


Nov. 27 Mr. K. Suzuki, a graduate student, won an award in 6th Artistic Science Photo Contest, Nagaoka Univ. Tech.


Nov. 18-21 Prof. Nakayama acted as a Vice-Chairman, Local Committee in The 32th International Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics., held in Nagaoka, Japan.

Prof. Nakayama acted as a chair

Nov. 8-11 Prof. Suematsu presented an invited talk and acted as an International Advisory Committee member and a Session Chair in 5th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications toward a Low Carbon Society(ACTSEA 2015), held in Tainan, Taiwan.

Conference site entrance

Oct. 4-8 Prof. Suematsu acted as a Program Organizer and a Session Chair in Materials Science & Technology 2015(MS&T15), held in Columbus, U. S. A.

Greater Columbus Convention Center

Sept. 27  Ms. Hanan Al Sulaiman, a graduate student, won an award in 27th Japanese Speech Contest, Nagoka.

Ms. Al Sulaiman at the award ceremony

Sept. 16-18  Mr. K. Suzuki and Mr. S. Nagawasa, graduate students, won Poster Awards in 157th Annual Meeting, The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, Nagoya.

Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Nagawasa at their awarded posters

Sept. 8 Lecture entitled by Mr. H. Yamaki, Asahi Kasei Co. was held.

Mr. Yamaki 

Sept. 1-4 Prof. Suematsu and Prof. Nakayama presented invited talks and acted as Co-organizers in 11th International Conference of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies (PacRim-11), held in Chejyu, Korea.

Aug. 18 Mr. M. Kouzuki, National Institute of Technology, visited EDI.

Mr. Kouzuki 

Aug. 7  Mr. H. Hasuike and Mr. K. Tamegai, graduate students, won Presentation Awards in The 1st International Conference Tech-connection of Advanced Materials held in TKP Sapporo Conference Center, Sapporo.

Mr. Hasuike and Mr. Tamegai with their certificates

Aug. 5-8 Prof. Nakayama presented an plenary talk and acted as a session chair and an International Academic Comittee member in the 1st International Conference Tech-connection of Advanced Materials, held in TKP Sapporo Conference Center, Sapporo.

Jun. 18  Mr. S. Nagasawa, a graduate student, won a Poster Award in The 5th International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies(EM-NANO 2015) held in Toki Messe, Niigata.

Mr. Nagasawa(RHS) received the certificate from Prof. Kato.

"Electric resistivity in Cr(N,O)" was the award winning presentation.

May. 28  Mr. H. Hasuik, a graduate student, won a prize from Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd.

Mr. Hasuie with the plaque

May 27 Prof. Omar Osman, President, Univerisit Sains Malaysia, visited EDI.

Prof. Osman 

Apr. 22 Prof. Bong Ki Ryu, Pusan National University, visited EDI.

Prof. Ryu and his graduate students. 

Mar. 30  Mr. R. Arakawa, a graduate student, won a Presentation Award in U3 Mateirl Desing Forum, held in Osaka Prefecture University.

the Certificate

Nov. 25 Prof. Gnanamoorthy, President, IIITD&M, India and Prof. Kamaraj, Dean, Prof. Sarathi, Head of Department, IITM, india visited EDI.

Prof. Gnanamoorthy, President(second from the right)  

Feb. 26-27 Prof. Suematsu and Prof. Nakayama presented a keynote and an invited lecture in Materials Challenges in Alternative & Renewable Energy(MCARE 2015) held in Cheju, Korea.

Conference site 

Feb. 9 The Symposium on Hybrid Nano Materials Toward Future Industries (HNM 2015) was held in Nagaoka.


Jan. 25-30 Prof. Nakayama presented an invited talk and acted as a session chair in 39th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2015).


Dec. 24 Dr. Tomoya Aoba, a graduate student, won President Award.

Dr. Aoba shaking hands with Prof. Niihara 

Nov. 17 Dr. Keisuke Isogai, Deputy Director -General, Research and Development BurauMEXT, visited EDI.

Dr. Isogai and Mr. Shimizu (Courtesy of Sect. Public Relations) 

Nov. 14 Dr. Pham Hoang Luong, Vice-President, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam, visited EDI.

Dr. Luong, Vice President(second from the right)  

Nov. 10-14  Prof. Nakayama and Mr. S. Takahashi, a graduate student, won the HyMaP Mid-Career Award and the Poster Award in 3rd International Symposium on Hybrid Materials and Processing, Busan, Korea, respectively.

Prof. Nakayama(LHS) and Mr. Takahash(RHS)i at the ceremony

"Surface treatment of sample holder for trace element analysis in human blood using particle induced X-ray emission" was the award winning presentation.

Nov. 6-7  Mr. W. Sato, a graduate student, won a Presentation Award in Annual Meeting, Tohoku Hokkaido Branch, The Ceramic Society of Japan, Akita.

Mr. Sato and the Certificate

Nov. 11 Dr. Baasandash Choijil, Vice-President, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, visited EDI.

Dr. Obikane(LHS), Vice President Baasandash(center) 

Oct. 30 Activity by Mr. Katagiri, a Staff at EDI and a Probation Officer in Nagaoka, appeared in Hawai Hochi.

Oct. 12-16 Prof. Nakayama presented an invited talk and acted as a session chair in
Materials Science & Technology 2014 (MS&T 2014).

Prof. Nakayama

Sept. 24-26  Mr. K. Suzuki, a graduate student, won a Poster Award in 155th Annual Meeting, The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, Nagoya.

Mr. Suzuki and the awarded poster
This is Mr. Suzuki's third award after 2011 and 2013. EDI received this award forth year in a row.

Sept. 13  Prof. N. Mizutani at Auditor, Toyohashi University of Technology and former President of Tokyo National College of Technology visited EDI.

Prof. Mizutani at the static accelerator (LHS, courtesy of Prof. Mizutani)

Sept. 12 Mr. J. J. Perez, a graduate student, won the Best Student Award in 5th euro Asia Pulsed Power Conference, Kumamoto.

Mr. Perez (RHS)
「Development of a Pulse Forming Network Generator using Static Induction Thyristor」が受賞対象となりまし た。
His research was entitled "Development of a Pulse Forming Network Generator using Static Induction Thyristor ".

Sept. 12 Mr. H. Akiyama, a graduate student, won the Best Poster Award in the 27th Fall Meeting, The Ceramic Society of Japan, Kagoshima.

Sept. 5  Prof. H. S. Orujov and his colleagues, Azerbaijan Technical University, visited EDI.

Prof. Orujov at the static accelerator 

Aug. 4-9  EDI contributed Open House.  

the static accelerator

Experiments and lectures were conducted on high Tc superconductors and their accelerator applications.  One technical college and five high school students participated.

Aug. 1  Dr. C. Sujatanond, Special Adviser, South Eastern Asian Ministers of Education Organization,Thailand and Dr. M. Sujatanond, Mahidon University, Thailand visited EDI.


July 11  Lecture entitled "Neutron Diffraction of Novel Materials" by Dr. G. Thorogood, ANSTO, Australia was held.

Lecture   Dinner

July 8 Prof. Suematsu delivered an invited talk in Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University.

July 6  Ms. K. Watanabe reached the final in the 22th Niigata Open Badminton Championships.

Ms. Watanabe with the certificate of achievement

Jun. 23 Dr. V. T. Ha, Director, Center for Non-Destructive Evaluation, and Dr. N. T. K. Dzung, Director, Center for Analytical Chemistry, VINATOM, Vietmam visited EDI.

打合せ中  In the meeting

Jun. 21 Mr. K. Sugashima won a Poster Award in the 3rd International GIGAKU Conference in Nagaoka.  

Mr. Sugashima with
the poster and the certificate of achievement

Jun. 20 President Giang, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam visited EDI>

May 26-27 Prof. Suematsu delivered an invited talk in the 4th International Symposium on SiALONs and Non-oxides (ISSNOX4), Shiga.

Mar. 27  Mr. Kanno, an undergraduate student, won a Presentation Award in U3 Material Design Forum.

Mar. 12  Mr. S. Shibaoka and Mr. K. Suzuki won Prizes from Department of Electric, Electronic and Information Engineering.

M.r. Shibaoka (LHS) and Mr. Suzuki (RHS)

Feb. 18-19  Vice Minister Ga, Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam visited EDI.

Prof. Jiang guided a tour in the campus.  VYSAN, organized by Mr. Son, a graduate student, hosted a dinner. (courtesy of Mr. Terasawa)

Jan. 27 Prof. Suematsu won 2014 Global Star Award, the American Ceramic Society.

Jan. 27-30 Prof. Nakayama acted as a session chair and Prof. Suematsu delivered an invited talk in the 38th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (28th ICACC).


Jan. 22  Prof. Jiang designated a Fellow, IEEE.

His activity on pulsed power technology using semiconductor power devices was highly evaluated.

Jan. 13  Prof. Niihara conducted the General Chair, Prof. Nakayama and Prof. Suematsu delivered invited talks in the 15th Internaional Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design.

Speech by Prof. Niihara

Old News